Exploring perspectives on climate change education

Earlier this month, Gedakina’s Executive Director, Judy Dow gathered alongside other visionaries, educators, non-profit leaders and youth to collaboratively learn and accelerate change around climate change education. Over 50 participants came together for the Northeast Climate Change Education Collaborative where one of the primary questions posed to the group was — how do we support one another’s work, improve our practices, and above all, enhance our collective impact?

The following are excerpts and highlights from the day-long gathering.

The morning featured a panel discussion exploring diverse perspectives on climate change featuring, left to right, Amara Ifeji (Director of Policy, Maine Environmental Education Association), Taylor Barry (350NH Youth Team Action Fellow), Judy Dow (Executive Director, Gedakina), and moderator Hannah Barg (Youth Climate Program Manager, The Wild Center). 

Hannah: Can you share a personal experience or success story in the work that you do?

Judy: I wrote a paper ten years ago, Going Through the Narrows, about the path we’re taking through climate change. We’re ‘going through the narrows:’ the water is rough, the currents are different, the air flows are different. It’s in the narrows where you have to decide, what direction are you going to take? Are you going to turn back to the calm harbor, or are you going to go into the broad waters? There are tools you have to use to get you through the narrows: respect, responsibility, relationships, reverence, and reciprocity. These tools will teach you how to pick up those that fall down and help them get through. They’ll help you give back to the land…Because you will never have a healthy economy if you do not have healthy land.

Thank-You to Shelburne Farms for hosting such a warm and productive event.

The following materials were prepared by the talented staff and crew at Shelburne Farms!


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